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Warning sr25519_verify


This function is from the unstable interface, which is unsafe and normally is not available on production chains.

Exploit Scenario

Consider the following ink! contract:

pub fn example(&self) -> bool {
let signature: [u8; 64] = [
184, 49, 74, 238, 78, 165, 102, 252, 22, 92, 156, 176, 124, 118, 168, 116, 247, 99,
0, 94, 2, 45, 9, 170, 73, 222, 182, 74, 60, 32, 75, 64, 98, 174, 69, 55, 83, 85,
180, 98, 208, 75, 231, 57, 205, 62, 4, 105, 26, 136, 172, 17, 123, 99, 90, 255,
228, 54, 115, 63, 30, 207, 205, 131,
let message: &[u8; 11] = b"hello world";
let pub_key: [u8; 32] = [
212, 53, 147, 199, 21, 253, 211, 28, 97, 20, 26, 189, 4, 169, 159, 214, 130, 44,
133, 88, 133, 76, 205, 227, 154, 86, 132, 231, 165, 109, 162, 125,

ink::env::sr25519_verify(&signature, message.as_slice(), &pub_key).is_ok()

sr25519_verify is a function not available on production chains. If used, it will cause the contract to fail.

The vulnerable code example can be found here.


Because of that do not use the sr25519_verify function.

The remediated code example can be found here.