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Lazy storage on delegate


ink! has a bug that makes delegated calls not modify the storage of the caller, unless it's using Lazy with ManualKey or Mapping.

Exploit Scenario

Consider the following ink! contract:

// With this storage
pub struct DelegateCall {
admin: AccountId,

pub fn change_admin(
&mut self,
target: Hash,
new_admin: AccountId,
) -> Result<AccountId, Error> {
if self.admin != self.env().caller() {
return Err(Error::NotAnAdmin);

let res = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>()
.map_err(|_| Error::DelegateCallFailed)?
.map_err(|_| Error::DelegateCallFailed)?;


In this example, the function change_admin takes new_admin and sets it as the new admin. If this function is called, self.admin will be the same as before, even if it's setted to a new AccountId.

The vulnerable code example can be found here.


To remediate this, we can use Lazy to store things.

pub struct DelegateCall {
admin: Lazy<AccountId, ManualKey<123456>>,

#[ink(message, payable)]
pub fn change_admin(
&mut self,
target: Hash,
new_admin: AccountId,
) -> Result<AccountId, Error> {
if self.admin.get().unwrap() != self.env().caller() {
return Err(Error::NotAnAdmin);

let res = build_call::<DefaultEnvironment>()
.map_err(|_| Error::DelegateCallFailed)?
.map_err(|_| Error::DelegateCallFailed)?;


The remediated code example can be found here.
