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Warning sr25519_verify

What it does

Warns about sr25519_verify() usage.

Why is this bad?

This function is not available on production chains.

More info


pub fn example(&self) -> bool {
let signature: [u8; 64] = [
184, 49, 74, 238, 78, 165, 102, 252, 22, 92, 156, 176, 124, 118, 168, 116, 247, 99,
0, 94, 2, 45, 9, 170, 73, 222, 182, 74, 60, 32, 75, 64, 98, 174, 69, 55, 83, 85,
180, 98, 208, 75, 231, 57, 205, 62, 4, 105, 26, 136, 172, 17, 123, 99, 90, 255,
228, 54, 115, 63, 30, 207, 205, 131,
let message: &[u8; 11] = b"hello world";
let pub_key: [u8; 32] = [
212, 53, 147, 199, 21, 253, 211, 28, 97, 20, 26, 189, 4, 169, 159, 214, 130, 44,
133, 88, 133, 76, 205, 227, 154, 86, 132, 231, 165, 109, 162, 125,

ink::env::sr25519_verify(&signature, message.as_slice(), &pub_key).is_ok()

Do not use it.


The detector's implementation can be found at this link.