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What it does

This linting rule checks whether the 'check-effects-interaction' pattern has been properly followed by any code that invokes a contract that may call back to the original one.

Why is this bad?

If state modifications are made after a contract call, reentrant calls may not detect these modifications, potentially leading to unexpected behaviors such as double spending.

Known problems

If called method does not perform a malicious reentrancy (i.e. known method from known contract) false positives will arise. If the usage of set_allow_reentry(true) or later state changes are performed in an auxiliary function, this detector will not detect the reentrancy.


let caller_addr = self.env().caller();
let caller_balance = self.balance(caller_addr);

if amount > caller_balance {
return Ok(caller_balance);

let call = build_call::<ink::env::DefaultEnvironment>()
.map_err(|_| Error::ContractInvokeFailed)?
.map_err(|_| Error::ContractInvokeFailed)?;

let new_balance = caller_balance.checked_sub(amount).ok_or(Error::Underflow)?;
self.balances.insert(caller_addr, &new_balance);

Use instead:

let caller_addr = self.env().caller();
let caller_balance = self.balances.get(caller_addr).unwrap_or(0);
if amount <= caller_balance {
//The balance is updated before the contract call
.insert(caller_addr, &(caller_balance - amount));
let call = build_call::<ink::env::DefaultEnvironment>()
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Err {:?}", err))
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("LangErr {:?}", err));

return caller_balance - amount;
} else {
return caller_balance;


The detector's implementation can be found at these links link1, link2.