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Provides a library for reasoning about control flow at the granularity of basic blocks. This is usually much more efficient than reasoning directly at the level of ControlFlowNodes.

BasicBlocks are refinements of PrimitiveBasicBlocks, taking impossible CFG edges into account (using the successors_adapted relation). The refinement manifests itself in two changes:

  • The successor relation on BasicBlocks uses successors_adapted (instead of successors_extended used by PrimitiveBasicBlocks). Consequently, some edges between BasicBlocks may be removed. Example:
x = 1;      // s1
if (true) { // s2
x = 2; // s3
} else {
x = 3; // s4

The BasicBlock successor edge from the basic block containing s1 and s2 to the basic block containing s4 is removed.

  • PrimitiveBasicBlocks may be split up into two or more BasicBlocks: Internal nodes of PrimitiveBasicBlocks whose predecessor edges have been removed (unreachable code) will be entry points of new BasicBlocks. Consequently, each entry point of a PrimitiveBasicBlock will also be an entry point of a BasicBlock, but the converse does not necessarily hold. Example:
x = 1;   // s5
abort(); // s6
x = 2; // s7

s5-s7 belong to the same PrimitiveBasicBlock, but the CFG edge from s6 to s7 is impossible, so s7 will be the entry point of its own (unreachable) BasicBlock.

Note that, although possible, two or more PrimitiveBasicBlocks are never merged to one BasicBlock: Consider the first example above; it would be possible to define a single BasicBlock consisting of s1-s3, however, the result would be counter-intuitive.

Module, Classes and Predicate



basic_block_entry_node(ControlFlowNode node)

Any node that is the entry point of a primitive basic block is also the entry point of a basic block. In addition, all nodes with a primitive successor, where the predecessor has been pruned (that is, getAPredecessor() does not exist while a predecessor using the primitive successors_extended relation does exist), is also considered a basic block entry node.

predicate basic_block_entry_node(ControlFlowNode node) {
primitive_basic_block_entry_node(node) or

non_primitive_basic_block_entry_node(ControlFlowNode node

private predicate non_primitive_basic_block_entry_node(ControlFlowNode node) {
not primitive_basic_block_entry_node(node) and
not exists(node.getAPredecessor()) and
successors_extended(node, _)

equalsPrimitiveBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb)

Holds if basic block bb equals a primitive basic block.

There are two situations in which this isnot* the case:

  • Either the entry node of bb does not correspond to an entry node of a primitive basic block, or

  • The primitive basic block with the same entry node contains a (non-entry) node which is the entry node of a non-primitive basic block (that is, the primitive basic block has been split up).

This predicate is used for performance optimization only: Whenever a BasicBlock equals a PrimitiveBasicBlock, we can reuse predicates already computed for PrimitiveBasicBlocks.

private predicate equalsPrimitiveBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb) {
primitive_basic_block_entry_node(bb) and
not exists(int i |
i > 0 and

basic_block_member(ControlFlowNode node, BasicBlock bb, int pos)

Holds if node is the posth control-flow node in basic block bb.

cached predicate basic_block_member(ControlFlowNode node, BasicBlock bb, int pos) {
equalsPrimitiveBasicBlock(bb) and primitive_basic_block_member(node, bb, pos) // reuse already computed relation
non_primitive_basic_block_member(node, bb, pos)

predicate non_primitive_basic_block_member(ControlFlowNode node, BasicBlock bb, int pos)

private predicate non_primitive_basic_block_member(ControlFlowNode node, BasicBlock bb, int pos) {
not equalsPrimitiveBasicBlock(bb) and node = bb and pos = 0
not node instanceof BasicBlock and
exists(ControlFlowNode pred | successors_extended(pred, node) |
non_primitive_basic_block_member(pred, bb, pos - 1)

bb_length(BasicBlock bb)

Gets the number of control-flow nodes in the basic block bb./

cached int bb_length(BasicBlock bb) {
if equalsPrimitiveBasicBlock(bb)
then result = bb.(PrimitiveBasicBlock).length() // reuse already computed relation
else result = strictcount(ControlFlowNode node | basic_block_member(node, bb, _))

bb_successor_cached(BasicBlock pred, BasicBlock succ)

Successor relation for basic blocks.

cached predicate bb_successor_cached(BasicBlock pred, BasicBlock succ) {
exists(ControlFlowNode last |
basic_block_member(last, pred, bb_length(pred) - 1) and
last.getASuccessor() = succ


A basic block in the Solidity control-flow graph.

A basic block is a simple sequence of control-flow nodes, connected to each other and nothing else:

   A - B - C - D  ABCD is a basic block

Any incoming or outgoing edges break the block into two:

   A - B > C - D  AB is a basic block and CD is a basic block (C has two incoming edges)

A - B < C - D AB is a basic block and CD is a basic block (B has two outgoing edges)

Methods and predicates


BasicBlock() { basic_block_entry_node(this) }

contains(ControlFlowNode node)

Holds if this basic block contains node.

predicate contains(ControlFlowNode node) { basic_block_member(node, this, _) }

getNode(int pos)

Gets the ControlFlowNode at position pos in this basic block.

ControlFlowNode getNode(int pos) { basic_block_member(result, this, pos) }


Gets a ControlFlowNode in this basic block.

ControlFlowNode getANode() { basic_block_member(result, this, _) }


Gets a BasicBlock that is a direct successor of this basic block.

BasicBlock getASuccessor() { bb_successor(this, result) }


Gets a BasicBlock that is a direct predecessor of this basic block.

BasicBlock getAPredecessor() { bb_successor(result, this) }


Gets a BasicBlock such that the control-flow edge (this, result) may be taken when the outgoing edge of this basic block is an expression that is true.

BasicBlock getATrueSuccessor() { result.getStart() = this.getEnd().getATrueSuccessor() }


Gets a BasicBlock such that the control-flow edge (this, result) may be taken when the outgoing edge of this basic block is an expression that is false.

BasicBlock getAFalseSuccessor() { result.getStart() = this.getEnd().getAFalseSuccessor() }


Gets the final ControlFlowNode of this basic block.

ControlFlowNode getEnd() { basic_block_member(result, this, bb_length(this) - 1) }


Gets the first ControlFlowNode of this basic block.

ControlFlowNode getStart() { result = this }


Gets the number of ControlFlowNodes in this basic block.

int length() { result = bb_length(this) }

hasLocationInfo(string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn)

Holds if this element is at the specified location. The location spans column startcolumn of line startline to column endcolumn of line endline in file filepath. For more information, see Locations.

Yields no result if this basic block spans multiple source files.

predicate hasLocationInfo(
string filepath, int startline, int startcolumn, int endline, int endcolumn
) {
this.hasLocationInfoInternal(filepath, startline, startcolumn, filepath, endline, endcolumn)

hasLocationInfoInternal(string file, int line, int col, string endf, int endl, int endc)

private predicate hasLocationInfoInternal(
string file, int line, int col, string endf, int endl, int endc
) {
this.getStart().getLocation().hasLocationInfo(file, line, col, _, _) and
this.getEnd().getLocation().hasLocationInfo(endf, _, _, endl, endc)


Gets the function containing this basic block.

Solidity::FunctionDefinition getEnclosingFunction() {      result = this.getStart().getControlFlowScope() }


Holds if this basic block is in a loop of the control-flow graph. This includes loops created by goto statements. This predicate may not hold even if this basic block is syntactically inside a while loop if the necessary back edges are unreachable.

predicate inLoop() { this.getASuccessor+() = this }


Holds if control flow may reach this basic block from a function entry point or any handler of a reachable try statement.

predicate isReachable() {

exists(Solidity::FunctionDefinition f | f.getBody() = this)
exists(BasicBlock pred | pred.getASuccessor() = this and pred.isReachable())


Means not isReachable().

predicate isUnreachable() { not this.isReachable() }


An entry point of a function.


EntryBasicBlock() { exists(Solidity::FunctionDefinition f | this = f.getBody()) }


A basic block whose last node is the exit point of a function.


ExitBasicBlock() {
this.getEnd() instanceof Solidity::FunctionBody
// or
// aborting(this.getEnd())

unreachable(ControlFlowNode n)

Correct relation for reachability of ControlFlowNodes.

predicate unreachable(ControlFlowNode n) {
exists(BasicBlock bb | bb.contains(n) and bb.isUnreachable())